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A second life for your racket, shuttlecocks and socks


















Our action in Solibad takes two forms of aid. Financial" aid for our programmes, but also "material" aid for those of our programmes for which badminton is essential and to whom we can send the equipment (it is not always easy to send the equipment collected to places where customs are unscrupulous or corrupt, or where the cost of shipping is more expensive than buying the equipment locally, for example).



For a few years now, we have therefore launched the Operation "A second life for your racket" that we set up with the French Badminton Federation. The aim is to collect rackets, but not only, to send them to our badminton programmes and to the Federations of developing countries that are partners of the FFBaD.



But beware, we can't collect everything and anything. Therefore, we have drawn up a list of the essential materials we collect


What kind of material can I donate?


They must be in good condition, not broken or cracked.
Preferably snowshoes with an integrated T (between the sieve and the shaft).
Snowshoes with an external weld are often broken very quickly.
and are heavy and expensive to send on our programmes.
Good unstrung snowshoes are also accepted.


Indoor choes (badminton, handball etc)

Again, not too much wear and tear on the shoes, no holes,
and ideally sizes between 33 and 43 (european sizes)


Plastic shuttlecocks

Your old steering wheels, which are a little damaged or which you have exchanged for feathers, will delight young people who, playing outdoors, will be delighted to have slightly heavier projectiles.



Nets are also welcome - even if they are slightly damaged.


On the other hand, the textile (apart from the specific badminton clothes, technical and in very good condition), the posts and the feathered shuttlecocks are not recovered by Solibad (they are recovered by Compoplume, see below).


Where to donate your old badminton equipment?

- During the French championships in partnership with the French Badminton Federation
- At the IFB 2021 (October 2021, on the Badminon Experience)
- Via Compoplume collection (see below)

- By sending the material to Solibad, 10 bis rue Favier 94360 Bry sur marne (please contact us beforehand to check the status of the shipment).


Where will this badminton equipment go ?


For the moment, we are sending this material mainly to two of our programmes: in Indonesia, for the "Bintang Kidul Solibad" project where hundreds of children are waiting for material to join the group lessons given by local trainers, but also in Haiti, for the fabulous project of integration through sport of young people in disadvantaged situations in the village of Boudette. As our action is being carried out in partnership with the French Badminton Federation, some equipment will be sent to badminton development programmes of national federations that have signed agreements with the FFBaD.



















The action evolved in 2019 and found a new echo with two of our partners, "Compo'plume" and the orphan socks. The first collects your old feather steering wheels, to compost them completely, and recycle them into furniture. The second collects all the socks (orphan or not) to be recycled as well.


The joint project offers clubs, committees and leagues the opportunity to purchase pre-stamped collection boxes which, once filled, can be simply dropped off at the post office. Three boxes for three different collections: snowshoes and shoes for Solibad, socks and feather ruffles for our two partners. One box costs €27 and the three boxes €70, to be paid for by the structure that wishes to carry out the action.


Here is the link to order the boxes.


Please note that from the start of the school year 2020, the Ile de France Badminton League has decided to join our action and will reimburse up to 50% of the purchase of the three boxes (once per club and per year).







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