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Sign the charter !


The Solibad charter is a text that we have prepared so that badminton clubs, committees and leagues can make a commitment to Solibad, with a real desire to work alongside us. Until the start of the 2024 academic year, we had chosen not to impose a membership fee on partner structures, but the General Meeting on 2 May ratified this forthcoming change: an annual membership fee of €100 will therefore be required from signatory clubs, committees and leagues. This amount may, however, be "waived" on request for a fundraising operation during the sporting year in question. In addition, signing the charter will be effective for one year or for the number of years corresponding to the number of years remaining in the mandate of the signatory board.


It is possible and advisable to sign it online: it is enough for the offices or Boards of Directors of clubs, committees and leagues to meet and discuss it, before joining us officially. It is necessary to have a Solibad referent for any signatory structure, so that communication between them and us is as smooth as possible.


Here is the full text of the SOLIBAD Charter

"I, the undersigned, President or authorised representative of my club/committee/league/federation, hereby undertake to respect the values of fair play and sportsmanship upheld by Solibad, both on and off the courts

To always remember that, although for us this sport is above all a recreational activity, in other parts of the world it is sometimes an original support and an important educational and social means for young children in disadvantaged situations.

We undertake, either for the current sports year or for all the seasons corresponding to our elective mandate, to help the Solibad association by affixing the Solibad logo to all our communication media and by relaying to our members the events and news of the Solibad programmes. But also by being a driving force behind the organisation of events linked to its activities in the future, in particular as part of the Solibad Days. We also undertake to pay an annual membership fee of €100 for clubs, committees and leagues. This sum may be waived for any fundraising activities during the year, on simple request.



Here is the link the sign the charter online.


Once you have signed the charter, you will receive a welcome email and will be put on the mailing list for our information and actions, in which you will be able to take part, according to your time and means.



Thus, your structure will join the great Solibad family, whose members you can see HERE



The signature is binding on the club for the duration of the management team's term of office. In the event of the succession of another board or president, they are free to resign the partnership or not.








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