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The Solibad Staff

Raphaël Sachetat

Raphaël Sachetat

President - Founder

Raphaël Sachetat, 41, is a journalist and an independent photographer. He became involved early in his career in humanitarian organizations (Amnesty International). He has been a journalist for 20 years at Les Echos (most famous French economical magazine) where he contributes a monthly column on new technologies as part the art of the  supplement "Les Echos Week-end"  and writes portraits of famous philanthropists for the monthly "Serie Limitée".

For 20 years he’s also covered the badminton professional circuit (head of the official photo agency of the Badminton World Federation) and has started many projects among the badminton community (creation of Badzine, network of multilingual information sites, original travels around the sport theme…). Solibad is his way of binding together both his passions.


Colette Bacherius


Colette has been involved with Badminton in Belgium for a long time. As a physiotherapist, but also in her home club of Mont sur Marchienne. Ever since she became involved in Solibad in 2011, she became more and more active and quickly became the Association’s most reliable member, on all fronts. She was behind the success of the 2012 Solibad day with over 100 cities celebrating all over the world, before accepting the tough challenge to become Solibad’s Secretary, where her hardest work was to draft the dossier which allowed us to obtain the status of Officially Registered Charity (Organisme d’Intérêt Général on France). Also, she is coordinator of the projects. She speaks fluent English, French and Spanish and can be asked anything about Solibad – she knows it all. A key to the foundation.


Marina Morales


Marina Morales was one of the founders of the association, as treasurer, from the very beginning in 2009. working in the environmental field, she completely changed her career to become a teacher, especially in a pilot school known for her ability to open up to others (École Décroly, in Saint Mandé). After a break away from the Association, to make a little girl in particular, she returns to her first love and has taken over the treasury. Emeritus badminton player (former national player), she still practices for fun. She brings to our programs both her rigor and her madness to support our plans.



Vice - President

Leslie Doumerc, 29, has been an independent journalist for 5 years. Located in Brussels after 3 years in Montreal, Canada, she mainly treats social matters for medias in Québéc (video, radio, printed media), Swizerland and Belgium. Avid badminton enthusiast since nearly 15 years, she joined the Badzine team in 2005 and regularly covers international events. More than anything, she loves good ideas. That’s why she loved the Solibad concept, and didn’t hesitate for a second before joining this beautiful project.


Loïc Meuriot

Vice - President

As a professional video reporter, Loic, 39, has joined the Solibad team very early on, bringing a clear professional knowledge in the world of editing and filming our events. As a badminton coach himself during his leisure time, he is behind most of Solibad’s work in terms of video programming and editing and has become a key person in the foundation through his investment and talent.


Olivier Duband

Vice - President

Olivier Duband, 24, is in his 4 years Masters degree in Dijon, France. Caught up into Raphael’s projects and good spirits, he joined the Badzine troops in 2006. Specialized in video editing, self-educated and passionate, he spends countless hours behind a lens or a computer. This is how, at the cost of a serious dose of motivation, Badzine Tv was born. His most treasured memory? The Badzine trip to Malaysia. Such a fascinating and overwhelming culture. And is there a better way than SOLIBAD to combine both his passions ?


Benjamin Gesse 

Membre du Bureau

Benjamin joined the team in 2014, first by offering his services as regional coordinator. very quickly, his ideas hit the mark within the office and all of his achievements and the local partnerships they have forged have given new life to the association. Always ready to lend a hand, he also quickly found himself "caught" in the office. Social worker, in his daily life he is at the heart of social debates, and as such, of invaluable advice for the collegial decisions of the association. Particularly invested, he also took over the management of the online store - a big job! And this, always with humility and immense kindness. It has become completely indispensable to Solibad.


Yves Lacroix


Yves Lacroix, late forties is an archivist in Québec for the CSN (Confederation des Syndicats Nationaux). He combines his professional efficiency with his passion for badminton in general and for the chances this sport gives to travel, meet people and share. A video enthusiast – his Montreal home is like a small museum, he’s also vice president of Badmintonphoto, the official agency of the BWF, and has covered some 50 international tournaments, becoming a familiar face on the circuit, as a photograph, journalist, and  in his first role as Solibad’s secretary. He handed over the post to Colette but vowed to remain on the team to help with our international work and as a consultant. His vision is always of value for the Solibad board.


Sandrine Destouches

Trésorière adjointe

Sandrine joined the team after a partnership with an association she had founded "Bulles d'Espoir". Very quickly, she found herself "caught" by the ambient optimism - before officially joining the office in 2015, as assistant treasurer. She has many hats: a teacher in Normandy, she left France to manage a structure to help children in difficulty in Switzerland. She is responsible for communication for the Adapted Sport Federation. Artist, she paints, draws and has set up a small publishing house to talk about differences to children. She coordinates several projects in Solibad, Népas and India. An unfailing dynamism and good humor have made her indispensable to the structure. Badiste too, necessarily ...


Jean-François Chauveau

Membre du Bureau

Jean-François, 42, works as a computer specialist and head of the technical department for the Caisse d’Epargne. Initiator of every project of the team, big chief and brains of Badzine, he’s likely the one who spent the most hours on the site, coding, debugging and enjoying other computer related delights.

Creator of the Badmintonphoto sites, Jeff provides his skills to serve the badminton community with ever new functionalities and more conviviality – the site is now in its 3rd version. As a sports fanatic, he never goes without his motorcycle, dividing most his free time between the badminton and squash courts, in his lovely Languedoc-Roussillon province – he lives near Montpelier.

As soon as he heard about the Solibad project, he immediately volunteered to put together its website.


Hongyan Pi

Solibad’s Global Ambassador

One of the world’s top players for the last 10 years, Pi Hongyan was born in China and was naturalized French in 2004. She’s the ideal patron for such a project! Because of her education, her travels, her open-mindedness, her ability to speak various languages (English, Chinese, French), she will be specially involved and Solibad will benefit from her experience of high level, her numerous contacts within the badminton community and her overflowing energy.

Ranked world n°4 in 2010, she won the silver medal in the European Championship in 2004, the bronze medal in the World Championship in 2009, 6 French national titles and many international open tournaments. She retired after the 2012 London Olympics and now lives in Marseilles, France.

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