We have held our Annual General Meeting on 2 May, which enabled us to close the year 2023 with a balanced and transparent financial statement, which saw nearly 60,000 euros sent to the programmes - a record since the existence of our association. It was also an important moment as we debated, at length, the associative 'model' that we represent. It's a highly original model, not only because we are all volunteers, but also because the vast majority of us pay our own travel and other expenses, so that all donations and fundraising activities go out into the field. It's a rare thing, and it's a source of pride and a way of working that we'll continue to do as long as we can. We have also decided on a change that will have quite an impact on our relationship with the clubs, committees and leagues that support us, as well as with individuals. Until now, there was no official status of 'member' of the association. And no membership fee.
The AGM on 2 May therefore voted for a change that will take effect from 1 September 2024 for clubs, committees and leagues, and from 1 January 2025 for individuals. We will be asking everyone to pay an annual membership fee.
Why ? Because we believe that this will help Solibad to offer more activities, help more people, have more resources and offer more services and interaction with our members. A virtuous circle, in fact. It will also allow us to know, at the start of each year, how many organisations are really supporting us. The charter will therefore be signed either every year, or for a period equivalent to the term of office of the people in charge of the organization. This will prevent organisations whose governing bodies have changed finding themselves "invested and supportive", with no real appetite for our actions or aims. We have decided to ask for an annual membership fee of €100 for clubs, badminton academies and leagues. For the latter that wish to do so, these €100 can be deducted from the first fundraising action they carry out on our behalf. So, for organisations that are at least a little involved and active, this won't change much, but it will create a stronger, more regular link, and make our support clearer every year.
Individuals will be able to become official members by paying an annual contribution of 30 euros from January 2025 onwards (this is a minimum; we will of course accept more, and will offer automatic transfers).
The idea is also to create a community of Solibad friends, who will benefit from privileges that we'll be coming back to in a few weeks' time.
It's a real change, that's for sure. It's a conscious decision. It will also give us greater visibility over our future annual budgets and enable us to provide better support for our programmes, which are often forced to wait until the end of the year to benefit from rather uncertain subsidies. We hope that many of you will make this gesture of solidarity , so that we can continue down the road together. Because, as they say, the idea is not necessarily to appreciate only when the goal is reached, but also to enjoy the journey that takes us there...
Raphaël SACHETAT, President of Solibad